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Batman Superman Volume 1 - Oliver Variant: "Eye of Satanus" (#13)

Proudly read and reviewed without any expectation, as it is our first time reading this series!

Shopping and reading a comic with no expectations, out of sheer chance, can make for an exciting venture. That's exactly what we did with this popular comic series Batman Superman by DC Comics. Since many of us are familiar with the heroism displayed by Batman and Superman, what better way than to read a comic series starring them both? We did no research nor read any reviews prior to purchasing this, so you'll be reading our fresh take on this issue and what we think completely!

Opening scene starts with Satanus about to munch up—literally—Kaiyo Chaosbringer who happens to be from Apokolips, which then brings in the opening scene for Superman whose involvement with Catwoman makes for an interesting combination. Superman barely did much in the beginning of this scene given the fact that he had...no clothes on. Anyway, we're then greeted at Crime Alley where Batman had a simple yet dramatic fighting scene. Doing what Batman does best, we go back to Superman where he saves Catwoman from getting kidnapped and killed. With some time to himself, Superman, or Clark Kent, took a moment to realize what's been done to him, judging from the scars he had before saving Catwoman and getting himself together. Back to Batman, or Bruce Wayne, he heads back to his home attending what looked like a formal party. When asked what it's like being the richest and sexiest man in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne says this:

"Pretty awesome." — Bruce Wayne

One of most interesting scenes of this entire issue happens near the end with Lois Lane. Having been saved by Superman, of course, this scene reinforces the real identity and purpose of his persona. In other words, having started with some identity crisis and sort of having a full reality check, partially thanks to his conversation with Catwoman, Superman realizes who he is and his capabilities.

Not bad, huh? This was classic superhero fashion flavored with some melodrama and great dialogue. Almost reminiscent of the movies themselves, be it live action or animated.

The drawings on this comic are wonderful and well done. Its visual appeal makes this a potential animated series, as if there weren't enough of them done already. Nevertheless, the drawings and colors were fantastic; Very dark yet brooding—a great setting for superhero mystery and drama.

The story is not bad but because such superheroes are known to have some fast-paced action, it would've been nice to see more. However, too much action would take away much from the story, namely in this comic release. The dramatic elements were just right and not too much sucked in where the reader would get lost. Both pieced together nicely, and for that, we enjoyed it.

We don't mind venturing more into this series! This #13 issue was the very first we got, in fact the only one available at our local comic book store, but we had fun and don't mind reading more issues! Great job, DC Comics!

Highly recommended!





  • The very first issue we purchased for this series (no expectations as we blindly bought the issue).
  • Artwork is rich and full of detail.
  • Scenes switching between both Batman and Superman, each undergoing different circumstances.
  • Lois Lane makes an appearance.
  • None.
100% (A+)
Fan Rating
Comic Batman Superman
Issue #13: "Eye of Satanus" (Volume 1 - Oliver Variant)
Company DC Comics
ISBN / Bar Code number 7 61941 31581 2
Printed by Transcontinental Interglobe, Beauceville, QC, Canada. 8/15/14.
Published by DC Comics
Published October 2014
Pages 30
Total Advertisements 11
Advertisements BoJack Horseman, Gotham, Falling Skies, DC Comic's The New 52, The New 52: Future's End, DC Comic's The Multiversity, DC Comic's Superman Doomed: Last Sun, DC Comics presents Channel 52, DC All Access, Intruders, Batman: Assault on Arkham
Copyright BATMAN/SUPERMAN 13. October, 2014. Published monthly by DC Comics. 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. GST # is R125921072. Copyright © 2014 DC Comics. All Rights Reserved. All characters featured in this issue, the distinctive likenesses thereof and related elements are trademarks of DC Comics. The stories, characters and incidents mentioned in this magazine are entirely fictional. DC Comics does not read nor accept unsolicited submissions of ideas, stories or artwork. This book is manufactured at a facility holding chain-of-custody certification. This paper is made with sustainably managed North American fiber. For Advertising and Custom Publishing contact dccomicsadvertising@dccomics.com. For details on DC Comics Ratings, visit dccomics.com/go/ratings.

DC Comics, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.
Quoted Reviews --
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Eye of Satanus



JUNE CHUNG Colorist • ROB LEIGH Letterer
JAE LEE with JUNE CHUNG Cover • BEN OLIVER Variant Cover
DAN JURGENS with ALEX SINCLAIR Batman 75th Anniversary Variant Cover
RICKEY PURDIN Associate Editor • EDDIE BERGANZA Group Editor

Batman created by BOB KANE.
Superman creatd [sic] by
By Special Arrangement

DC Comics BOB HARRAS Senior VP - Editor-in-Chief, DC Comics DIANE NELSON President DAN DIDIO and JIM LEE Co-Publishers GEOFF JOHNS Chief Creative Officer AMIT DESAI Senior VP - Marketing & Franchise Management AMY GENKINS Senior VP - Business & Legal Affairs NAIRI GARDINER Senior VP - Finance JEFF BOISON VP - Publishing Planning MARK CHIARELLO VP - Art Direction & Design JOHN CUNNINGHAM VP - Marketing TERRI CUNNINGHAM VP - Editorial Adminstration LARRY GANEM VP - Talent Relations & Services ALISON GILL Senior VP - Manufacturing & Operations HANKN KANALZ Senior VP - Vertigo & Integrated Publishing JAY KOGAN VP - Business & Legal Affairs, Publishing JACK MAHAN VP - Business Affairs, Talent Nick NAPOLITANO VP - Manufacturing Administration FRED RUIZ VP - Manufacturing Operations COURTNEY SIMMONS Senior VP - Publicity BOB WAYNE Senior VP - Sales


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