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Empyre X-MEN Volume 1 (1 of 4)

Looking at the first release of this short but great X-MEN series with an impressive dialogue!

We love comics with intellectually stimulating dialogue. It's something you don't often see nowadays even though we're sure there's plenty of them out there. Anyway, for the record, when we think of comics, we think of X-MEN, and because of the original comics being rare and expensive, this very comic, which was sold for 99¢ at our local comic book store became the one we decided to start with.

The scene starts with Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange) talking in a rich, deep dialogue that may require rereading. He seems to be advising about the power of erasing the past, to which he said this:

"Your powers over reality make you a touchstone of the reality in which they exist. And the existence of those powers--and you yourself--act in eternal opposition of the erasure of them." — Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange)

Sounds something deep going on in Doctor Strange's talk with, we find out, Wanda Maximoff. We then see a flashback of all that's happened and what she has done dating back nine months ago in Genosha in relation to what Dr. Strange was talking to her about. Another piece of dialogue was also something to recall and think about from Maximoff:

"No one can undo the things they've done. I can ask for forgiveness--given enough time I might even forgive myself--but the sin...

The sin of what I've done can't be painted over. It can't be scrubbed off or cut away... it's a wound too raw to ever heal." — Wanda Maximoff

Deep...until she went to revive the mutants of Genosha.

The scene shifts toward Wakanda and eventually toward the island of Genosha. We learned that this dialogue is among the Empyre featuring Ru'tah-baga and then eventually Qqoi. Talking about mutants "mythologizing" meat, a zombie approached them, named Explodey Boy, letting Qqoi and the Cotati that the land of Genosha features all mutants. Explodey Boy's powers? Blowing stuff up then went ahead to demonstrate it. After that, sounds of rumbling could be heard approaching the minister and the Cotati, and at that point, it's go time.

Next scene takes place in Noblesse Pharmaceuticals Corporate Headquarters which takes place in Paris, France. This features both M (Monet St. Croix) and Worthington (Angel), and then the Madam Boardmember scolded them to get back to work as all three walk into the building. Some exchanges were made until Madam Boardmember was called out for "spying." She claims she's "monitoring the duo for redundancy." Suddenly, Madam Boardmember showed her powers as all three walk the opposite way into some portal, and telling the other worker, standing by watching all this unfold, that they'll have to cancel the meeting they were supposed to go to and resolve it by...sending an email. What a great idea!

Meanwhile in Krakoa, the scene starts with Black Tom Cassidy talking about the vine gate. A portal opens while Tom is talking to Professor X also known as Charles Xavier. Through the portal comes Worthington as he has a meaningful discussion with Professor X. The talk involves the possibility of needing X-Corp to eliminate the "world's worst people," while getting a second opinion from Professor X. However, Worthington plans to put together a team to see what's going on at the Genosha Gate—namely himself, Monet and Magik. Worthington gets interrupted and was told by Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr) that they can include one more citizen, which on the next page, looks like Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox).

Outside, as Worthington and the gang gathered, they hear stomping and marching: It's the plant people and zombies! All set and prepared, both Monet and Magik were ready to rock as each one of them jokes about "first course salad" and the other said "next course, meat!" As that went on, Angel—Worthington—tried to rush over to Genosha Gate where Multiple Man saw the likely problem with Genosha gate were the weeds as he went on pulling them out. He ended up having a bunch of slime on his hands from pulling so much of the weeds. Here come the Genoshan zombies making their way through the gate only to have that very slime "splooshed" onto them. Suddenly we see older women, fully armored, doing the dirty work this whole time with one of them holding some sort of slime gun. These ladies are Hordeculture, and the one with the slime gun is named Lily Leymus; The one making a flirtatious comment about Angel is named Edith Scutch; The lady who said she'll "sit him on her Christmas tree" is Augusta Bromes; Lastly, saying not needing to be trashy because they're experts is named Opal Vetiver. Talking to the trio, Monet, Magik and Angel, Edith tells them what makes plants grow.

As first time readers of this comic series, the dialogue was what we found most impressive. Very rich and deep, as it kept us turning the pages and reading word for word what's going on—our kind of talk. Drawings were impressive and didn't seem to be "too noisy" as the dialogue matched well with the characters, their actions and reactions.

Despite the funny ending, it was the only thing in this comic that we felt closed on a weak note. Even though we got a late introduction to Hordeculture, and the last line from Edith being very funny, something stronger or a scene that leaves the reader thinking would have been good. Seeing the aftermath with the zombies would have been good too; Addition of more fighting action is another that could've been added. Other than that, we felt something more could've been added/done to close the comic better.

Overall, not bad for a first issue as, again, this was our first time checking this series out. There's only four issues but we will read and take a look at all of them! Nevertheless, we weren't disappointed, were very happy reading this and proudly adding it to our small but humble comic book collection. We'll see how this fares with the second issue!

Regardless, check this out! Thank you so much, Marvel!

UPDATE (01-22-2025 at 11:31PM): Edited out certain words being repeated and some HTML tags.





  • Very first X-MEN issue read and reviewed here at COMICBOOKSOTROS.
  • Rich and well written dialogue.
  • Drawings and scenes were pleasant to look at.
  • Plenty of Empyre X-MEN characters make an appearance.
  • Ending could have been better.
95% (A)
Fan Rating
Comic Empyre X-MEN #1
Issue #1 First Story
Company Marvel Comics
ISBN / Bar Code number 7 59606 09898 9
Edior-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski
Published by Marvel Comics
Release Date July 22, 2020
Pages 30
Total Advertisements 6
Advertisements Marvel Avengers Endgame's CITIZEN, [ALIEN] PLANTS vs. [MUTANT] ZOMBIES, Fantastic 4: Antithesis #1, World of X, Marvel MADE, Joywave presents POSSESSION
Copyright © Marvel 2020
Quoted Reviews --
Other --
Empyre X-MEN

Jonathan Hickman
Tini Howard

Matteo Buffagni

Matteo Buffagni

Nolan Woodard

Clayton Cowles

Jordan D. White
Annalise Bissa

Tom Muller

Cover Artist(s)
Mike McKone & Chris O'Halloran
Anna Rud

Assistant Editor(s)
Annalise Bissa

Jordan D. White

X-MEN created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby


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