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Starry Internet - Happy Interneting

The first cutest commercial reviewed here on KCUN!

Dogs brighten everyone's day. Better yet, using them to promote a product and/or a service makes commercials like this fun to watch. For Starry Internet, we're sure they've attracted more customers/clients with this piece.

Seeing the opening piece with a beagle using the computer should hold the viewers' attention. Even though animals can't particularly use and navigate a computer, it's adorable to see them in our place doing the mundane tasks people do everyday. As you can see, a german shepard, a pug, a terrier and even a welsh corgy are all featured here in this cute commercial. In the same vein as Suburu, if this is dog tested then it must be dog approved. In other words, if dogs like Starry Internet, it's possible you will too!

In the commercial, you may have seen this sticker on the laptop:

Net Neutrality sticker on the dog's laptop in the Starry Internet commercial

There have been talks about it, on and off, but it still remains a controversial issue today. Whether you're for net neutrality or not, let's just accept the fact that computer users have their own voice(s) and say on things, and regardless, we must respect that without getting too beligerent over it, emotionally speaking. People are people, or this case, dogs are dogs. (We say that in a gently way, given the viral videos about this year's election continue to circulate, let alone the unwarranted threats people in these videos say toward citizens and authorities.)

Nevertheless, this short but lovely commercial should appeal to a lot of people, especially for all dog lovers! This is one of the cutest commercials we have reviewed.





  • Dogs!
  • The first commercial reviewed featuring pets.
  • Adorable commercial with cutesy music.
  • None.
100% (A+)
Fan Rating
Company Brand Starry
Original Source YouTube
Description --
Date Release 2021
Language(s) English
Duration 00:15
Copyright ????
Other --
Starry Internet


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