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Stores Aisles Remodeling During Holiday Season
Kris Caballero • Nov 02, 2018 • 0 comments • Original Memes
Having saved up your hard-earned money, ready to splurge for the holidays, when suddenly...
Picture taken with Samsung Propel phone
Featured on the photo: Dwight (Stage name: Brad Pittman Donaghy)
Credit: Kris Caballero
Made and created on November 01, 2018.
TEXT: Shopping for the holidays at your favorite store, only to find your aisle undergoing remodeling.
This image is licensed under Creative Commons. Link back and/or give credit where due:
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Kris Caballero
Founder of KCU Network and KCU Plus, Kris has been writing since he managed a personal blog made back in late 2005. Officially back to doing computer programming (software development) and video production, Kris enjoys reading books on Mathematics, Quantum Computing, Philosophy, playing old video/DOS games, digital video archiving, and listening to sports, public radio and classical music.
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