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Basset Hound Befriends Pot-Belly Pig
Kris Caballero • Aug 14, 2021 • 0 comments • Talking Pet Talk

(The following article is been written and published in collaboration with SHOWSOTROS per Media Corner department.)
There are times when you scroll through the TV channels, whether on your cable subscription or streaming service, to try and find something worth your while. I understand production companies are doing their best in creating the best content they can, despite the entertainment industry's over-saturated flow of new series/films (that includes content online). However, you take a step back and want to consider something simple. That feeling helped you consider well: Shown on the CW channel, we're showing a snippet from the show Best Friend Furever with Kel Mitchell—a Basset Hound becomes very good friends with a Pot-Belly Pig. For the most part, your channel scrolling comes to a halt, and now, you have something to bring you a smile and hold your attention.
Part of the One Magnificent Morning lineup, which almost sounds like a take on ABC's One Saturday Morning back in the nineties, Best Friends Furever is a TV series talking about and documenting the unlikely friendships animals have with other animals. Hosted by Kel Mitchell, you learn of pet/animals owners talking about how their adorable sweethearts developed a love and admiration for the 'friend' they have made during their lifetime. Since both dogs and pigs are usually domesticated, and can be kept in one's home, what better way than to see both animals share a neat friendship with each other?
The owner of the Basset Hound is Ruth Vanderlaan, who's the founder of Vanderland The Barnyard Zoo in Ontario, Canada. Housing various animals, over 300 of them, Molly the Basset Hound became happily adopted by Ruth. Along with having a daycare, helped out by her own kids, Ruth thought it was a great combo for children to practice responsibility, let alone taking care of the animals with her. I don't know about you, but I find that to be a great combination giving kids tasks that benefits them when they're older (let's all stop with the "adulting" complaints). Since birth, Molly began hanging out with Bonnie the Pig, who was very shy at first. However, Molly, being the playful one, would always invite and encourage Bonnie to come join in on the fun. Sounds like an extrovert trying to bring out the confidence and fun out of their introverted friend.
Thanks to Ruth's daycare, the kids have a great time with the animals, from feeding them to taking them for a walk. As said earlier, this is a great combo to get children to be more active and practice in taking care of animals—a responsibility in getting kids ready before adulthood. I must say, Ruth is doing something good above something good, and parent(s) of those children ought to be happy and proud. (The landscape is different here in the US, so pitching such idea may not win over parent[s] across our country. Then again, you never know, despite the current issues going on involving children and their safety.)
It's a heart-warming moment, and knowing that the owner herself is pampering both animals and children, along with creating tasks for the youngsters to partake in which will be helpful in the long run, it's tough not to like what's being done here. All that can be summed up with Molly and Bonnie's bond, and how inseparable they are.
I can keep going, but why not? Here's a snippet from the episode shown below:
The presentation, the hosting and the show itself is enough to keep viewers at ease, despite the chaos going on outside, and to enjoy a warm cup of coffee in the morning. While this entire article isn't a full review, it's no question that this show gets a full 100% rating from us. We thought it would be a fun way to talk about a popular, domesticated animal, known to be best friends with us humans, make friends with another animal, expected or unexpected. For those wanting to know, this episode of Best Friends Furever is season 1, episode #18. The episode is titled "Our Favorite Furry Friends" and was originally aired on The CW in March 28, 2020. (Check your local listings and schedule.) A BIG thank you to the production crew and CW for such a great series! We hope this show continues on for a very long time!
What do you think? How adorable do you think Molly and Bonnie are? In contrast, is Ruth's farm and daycare combo a great pair to enable responsible practices among the kids? Let's talk about it in the comments below!
The video above is a snippet from the whole episode of Best Friends Furever with Kel Mitchell and is shown for the sake of discussion and brief overview. In no way are we condoning any piracy or torrenting shows and episodes of copywritten programs, nor are we looking to behave as such. The clip above was taken from an episode that was recorded personally by us, with our own time and equipment. We here at KCU Network are running this website completely based on honesty and would like to disclaim such notion, to counteract any presumptuous critiques that any illegal activity is brewing quietly on this website for the wrong reasons. No infringement of the show's and the network's copyrights and reserved rights have been intentional, and are credited to the production company themselves. If you would like to discuss this topic further, please contact us with the subject line "Media," and we hope to find middle ground, along with, perhaps, providing a full, written consent to share such video(s) to our own audience.
Kris Caballero
Founder of KCU Network and KCU Plus, Kris has been writing since he managed a personal blog made back in late 2005. Officially back to doing computer programming (software development) and video production, Kris enjoys reading books on Mathematics, Quantum Computing, Philosophy, playing old video/DOS games, digital video archiving, and listening to sports, public radio and classical music.
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