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"The Adventures of Ollie & Nyles: The Wonders of Planet Sirrep" by J.R. Aknin
The very first book reviewed on Seeds of Books where the author wrote, illustrated, printed and published everything entirely—a fun title for children.
Kris Caballero • Mar 22, 2021 • 0 comments • Book Reviews
As an adult whose interests in reading range from philosophy to math history, children's books aren't easy to write. While their stories feature fun and cute characters, without much in the way of what they learn through their journey, a simple presentation is enough to entice kids and to flex their imaginations. However, growing up, we often ponder if some children's stories are truly for kids, in spite of their deep, hidden meanings behind it (i.e. The Ugly Duckling). Nevertheless, it's a refreshing note to say that here on The Seeds of Books, we are looking at an adorable title that's fun to read with kids of all ages, at home or at school. Let's take a look at The Adventures of Ollie & Nyles!
[Ollie and Nyles] learn about their past beings and how their past achievements improved their present triumphs.
Off the bat, on page 3, the goal of Ollie and Nyles is exploration, but absorbing any knowledge of their happenstance in relation to its universal existence. In other words, these adorable characters are off to travel, explore, learning about their planetary neighborhood (in the same aspect as traveling to other countries and states to learn and explore other fellow human beings on our planet).
One of the wonders of Planet Sirrep, where Ollie and Nyles are exploring, was the Floating Columns—the gateway to Stonehenge on planet Earth. Despite all the legendary stories tied with the famous rocks from the UK, the duo learns that this simple gateway is the place to travel to Earth, if they so choose. This bit should teach children that perhaps visiting Stonehenge will not only be fun, but a perfect opportunity to try and meet both Ollie and Nyles!
Another visitation by Ollie and Nyles was when they stopped by to see the Great Statue of Aridanax—an iconic hero who taught Sirrep's beings about getting along with fellow citizens and embracing the Universe in which they all live in. This is a straight and simple point to encourage readers/listeners to get along with other fellow beings no matter what, since we're all sharing this planet together.
Along the way, the duo visit the Xniphs (pronounced "snips," it seems like) Pyramid, Elffie Tower, and saw the beautiful aurora lights in the sky. After their adventure, they made it back home to Planet XYZ and even shared exactly what they both had for dinner. With pictures taken and an unforgettable adventure, they head right to sleep and ready to take on another travel.
Nothing like a good story that kids will enjoy. The story itself will encourage children to be curious and travel. Although, currently, since traveling has integrated some more strict rules, it won't stop, and shouldn't stop, those wanting to find new sights for their eyes to absorb and venture to places they've never been. What an honor to have/read a book that gets kids to go out and travel!
The book itself is only 15 pages long, and it does not include an Index at the end (depending on the book, that's a bit common). Printed with spiral binding, this is the very first print in the Ollie & Nyles series. Our copy had it personally signed and written by Aknin herself. Despite the story, the quality and the artwork itself, this is as original and independent as you can get. If you're all for supporting independents and their original crafts, you cannot miss this! I imagine this is a great pastime to read to kids during or after school. Imagination is the key to develop a strong mind as children grow up. (After all, there's nothing more unhealthy than people with no imagination.)
The only 'bug-a-boo' is the misspelling of "Ollie" on the front cover. Also, since the drawings are hand-made and original, there aren't much changes to the character stances, poses and profile views in each of their travels. Even with those imperfections, this is a self-made book so we're certain that improvements will be considered along the way in future releases. Hey, a book made is better than none at all!
Overall, this is a short but fun book for kids. The youngsters will learn about the various landmarks that the duo explores and the fun things they've learned along the way. Being that "the children are our future," this should encourage and inspire youngsters to be curious, to learn and to travel—a healthy foundation for the collective betterment of human growth.
Support independent artists, check this out and purchase your copy here: Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/JennsWallArt?ref=seller-platform-nav). You can also purchase cups, tote bags and various merchandise at JennsWallArt.com!
(NOTE: This very first edition was sent to us by the author for review. In no way, whatsoever, were we compensated nor acknowledged in any way, shape or form, that altered nor adjusted our review and our official rating. In our unparalleled support for independent authors and artists, this was our first look and was spoken and critiqued in such way that's normally done here at KCU Network. The partnership/relationship in ties with companies sending us items for review are always treated as such, as any regard of changes in collaboration after the review has been posted are considered on the part of "so be it." It is our duty, and policy, to inform our visitors, fans and readers if any paid promotion of some sort is integrated within our reviews and/or media projects. For more information about our review policies and/or considerations for future collaborations, please read our Review Information page.)
- First children's book reviewed here on The Seeds of Books.
- Independently-made book, from the story to the artwork.
- Adorable characters, exploring fun sights along their travels.
- Cute and original, perfect for kids of all ages.
- Misspelling of "Ollie" on the front cover (may be corrected on the new edition, making this a possible collector's item, depending on limitation of copies).
Title | The Adventures of Ollie & Nyles: The Wonders of Planet Sirrep |
Author(s) | J.R. Aknin |
Description | -- |
Dedication | "Dedicated to my aliens, my Mother Shirley for always supporting my imagination and helping me come up with this fun artistic story. And my Aunt Lorraine for always helping me express myself through my writing and art." |
ISBN | -- |
Book Dimensions | Width: 8.5″ (8 ½) |
Height: 11″ | |
Depth: 0.19″ (3/16″) | |
Page Count | 15 |
Contents | -- |
Cover Design | J.R. Aknin |
Author Photograph | -- |
Published | February 12, 2021 |
Publisher | Jenn's Wall Art, LLC |
Copyright | © 2021 by Jenn's Wall Art, LLC All rights reserved worldwide |
Book Format | Paperback (spiral binding) |
Quoted Reviews | -- |
Best Seller's List | -- |
Other | -- |
Kris Caballero
Founder of KCU Network and KCU Plus, Kris has been writing since he managed a personal blog made back in late 2005. Officially back to doing computer programming (software development) and video production, Kris enjoys reading books on Mathematics, Quantum Computing, Philosophy, playing old video/DOS games, digital video archiving, and listening to sports, public radio and classical music.
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