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"I Love You, Antie"
(Dedicated to my Antie Lorraine.)
Jennifer Aknin • 2024 • 0 comments • Poems
I love you,
I love you,
My Antie 'Raine.
I miss you,
I miss you,
You are my heart.
I miss you,
I love you,
My Antie 'Raine.
You are my sunshine,
and I miss you,
and I love you,
My Antie 'Raine.
You are always,
in my heart.
And I love you,
and I miss you,
My Antie 'Raine.
My Antie Lorraine has been my second mom. All my life she’s been with me through great times and hard times, whether it'd be school, jobs, and taking care of my mother and myself. I’ve listened to her many stories about our family history especially her and her siblings. She has some funny stories we all call Lorraine stories, because they are so hilarious.
Lorraine was a great teacher. She taught middle school for 34 years and got her Master’s degree as a marriage, family and child counselor. She was always a wonderful person to talk to and I’m grateful for her ear—to hear me when I was frustrated with life. I remember she taught me how to swim, dog paddle with my floaties on, making sure that I did not go to the deep end until she knew I was a pro at swimming. She’s helped me write award-winning essays and A+ stories for grade school and college assignments. I’m grateful to her for her expert teaching, she was my ace in my sleeve.
Lorraine was always up for celebrating birthdays and holidays with her parents Kenneth and Patricia Hathaway, siblings Shirley Greg, Don, Ron, Gale, and us nieces and nephews. She’d spend all Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve with us. We always looked forward to it because every year was a gift, new adventures and the Roses parade. She’d call up and say, “Jenny did you see that dragon float?” My mother would like me to say that she was the luckiest because Lorraine was her sister and without her, she just doesn’t know where her life would be. She helped her raise us. I remember she’d taken my sister and I to see one of the parades. In fact, she’d taken my mom, sister and I to see "Phantom of the Opera" three or four times; She loved the play and the music so much. She loved art, she loved theater and loved traveling to new places.
She’s visited many places in the world: Rome, Greece, Ireland, Israel, China, the Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Utah, and many others. She has always said California was her favorite place because of the sunsets and mountains. Loving her summer vacations, indulging trips to Ventura Beach with my sister and I, us beach buddies would pick up and go. One fun visit to Ventura beach that stands out to me the most was when a seagull stole her Cheeto’s Puffs bag incident. The seagull grabbed her unopened bag and flew off with it. My aunt Lorraine jumped up faster than lightning in her blue windbreaker and white shorts chasing after this seagull screaming “Hey!!!!! Give me back my Cheetos!!!!!!!” She’s running down the shoreline after this bird in flight, it drops the bag luckily and she grabs it. Stacy and I are laughing so hard, we can’t breathe, and she raises her arms in victory, “I won!!!” Another famous Lorraine story. Her stories had to be shared. Stories that make us have real laughs and loveable memories and remind us to live our lives to the fullest.
I remember calling her "the picture freak" because she had cameras and camcorders glued to her hands. Ready to take pictures of every moment, I remember running from her, run from the countless times she had to get the lighting right or say to the person is behind you so move over there, or face the sun, now don’t face the sun, we would be wishing we were anywhere else, but she got her moments. Our family albums have an endless collection of these moments, patchwork of loveable hugs and laughable poses. I’m thankful for all the photos now. Thank you for that, Antie.
Always say "I love you" and that’s what we always did. Every conversation would end with "I love you" even if we were annoyed because you never ever know what Life will bring. I like to think that Antie Lorraine lived life to the fullest. I’m just so proud to be a part of this woman, to call her my Antie, my mom and my best friend. I will miss her more than anyone can even imagine. I know you love me. She knows I love her and that’s all anyone can ever ask for. It doesn’t get any easier not to grieve but we are all blessed to have known her and to have been able to tell her we love her and to know she’s in a better place out of pain and suffering. That makes me feel better knowing she’s always in my heart and always by my side. She’s with her heavenly family now and I know we will see them again. So, to my Antie Raine I say I love you and I’ll see you in my dreams.
Love always,
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