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"Globalization: A Very Short Introduction" by Manfred B. Steger

Perhaps one of the best introductory books into globalization, its history and the workings involved in it!

Internet has made this world of ours feel small. It's no surprise given all the strict rules and proper behavior we must practice, and know about, before posting and sharing online. Unfortunately, such rules still get broken at the expense of gaining viewership, subscribers and more, even if it means shaming one's self and other people. No wonder governing the internet, and the world, seems like a necessity (a statement that is still being debated today). In fact, we had former coworkers who knew much about American politics, but were unfamiliar with entities like the International Monetary Fund or even the World Economic Forum. Often times, we feel that global entities affect the decisions, the current political, and social landscape(s) we're living under now, but we digress.

This book by Manfred B. Steger is one of the most well-written, introductory books on globalization, and is perfect for those with basic knowledge of political science and/or sociology. Some of you are thinking, "Kris, really? Globalization? Why?" As mentioned, the Internet has made our world feel small, but also online communication allowed us to connect and exchange ideas in a way such that we all would share common grounds to a better and greater good, from human rights to entertainment. Better yet, if a legislation is passed in one country, citizens of another can share and suggest tactics to try and fight for it (i.e. democracy). Whatever the case, many of us don't realize that places like the Internet has allowed us to intertwine our views with each other, while unknowingly setting a sort of "precedent" to lay down the best way to behave and incorporate with each other's culture(s) and way(s) of life. Unfortunately, again, there are some "bad apples" who fall out of line, make Life difficult for others and get punished for it, despite being shamed mercilessly online. Seems like another, typical day online, but many don't know this connection is a result of globalization—all thanks to social media platforms or places where people all over the world are able to connect.

Author Steger introduces the term "globalization," which, believe it or not, is fairly recent, and the ambiguity of what it actually means. This may seem like a drag during the first two chapters talking about the terminology and its history, but Steger knew that such topic isn't something discussed everyday, at least in our previous circle of people who were unaware nor knowledgeable about it. Anyway, along with teaching about how the word "globalization," Steger immediately mentions the World Cup (2014) being a perfect example of globalization at play. It may seem obvious, but there were plenty of key people, from celebrities to athletes, that brought about the world coming in and watching football (soccer) on the world stage watched by people all over the globe. Along with that is the business aspects taking place at the World Cup where Steger talks about ticket sales and sponsors, known worldwide, who made the World Cup happen along with cashing in a healthy revenue. Such talk may sort of veer off topic, but as long as you continue reading and sticking around, it gets better.

Over to the third, fourth, and fifth chapters were the ones we waited for: The economics, the politics, and the cultural integration of globalization. While it's a lot to take in and read, the reader(s) will realize how it's all pieced together, how trades happen and agreeing to pay another country's debt (also known as bailout). All these play a role in the decisions and policies in place that one country's current economic, political and social status has, or will likely, set. The third dimension was about cultural integration, inter-mixing of the societal standards among international citizens was something that's also a good read. In fact, we witness it today: If you hang around YouTube, you'll find plenty of social commentary channels, critiquing and reviewing people's behaviors in other US states and other countries. That's right: That is a perfect result of globalization at play, so instinctively, you could say that cultural globalization has given YouTubers a simple idea to produce content commenting and reviewing current events happening in our world right now.

The book wraps up with the author's take on the future of globalization. At this rate, his views seem quite logical: Wanting a wider reach for democracy and an egalitarian stance—the belief that regardless of race, age, class, that everyone has, and deserves, an equal shot and chance.

The writing on this book is impeccable, and while it may come off as too wordy, that wasn't the case for us. Even those unfamiliar with this advanced area of political science, sociology and/or currenty affairs studies, one can grasp and understand what author Steger is saying here. Global entities such as the International Monetary Fund and World Economic Forum were mentioned on here and Steger did a great job explaining their roles and purpose within the landscape of globalization. The author even chimed in on the negatives of globalization, talking about why anti-globalists see such phenomenon as bad for the global good. Touchy topics like this is tempting for the author to express their take(s) on it, but Steger kept it neutral, presented facts enough to have the reader(s) decide for themselves. To sum it up, Steger presented the information in a very friendly way and succeeded.

In addition to Steger's writing, some information were presented as if they were Math Proofs. He would present the "argument to be proven," if you will, state his points that support it, then close with a conclusion. Obviously, there's no mathematics involved, but the way Steger presented and stated some points in such way that we had to mention it. Not a bad thing, we thought it was a nice thing to witness while reading.

For any of you wanting to know, and understand, global affairs that affect our ways of life, as well as others, globalization is a perfect area of study. Look no further than this book, as it is the cleanest introductory book we have read. Anything you misunderstood previously, or even things you never knew before, this book has you covered and shares enough information as groundwork to expand your knowledge furthur if need be. In other words, you'll get a full-on understanding as to why some social and political decisions and messages are done and pushed not because of who's in office but often times as a response/result of the matters involved in globalization. All in all, once you know, you know.

(Having learned from this book, many readers who learn and understand globalization will no longer have any "emotional" reactions to events that take place within one's country and their leaders' plans. Once they tie in such move with the current global situation, they'll realize it's more than just wanting their favorite candidate in office. Also, Steger mentions group activists whose purpose is to advise, protest and/or spread word involved in the decisions and plans done as a result of globalization. In other words, there are opportunities to make your voices heard in response to any global affairs taking or not taking place.)

We highly recommend this book!





  • One of the most clearly-written introductory books published on Globalization.
  • Author Steger mentions the history, development and even the definition of Globalization.
  • Some information were written like Math Proofs.
  • Made brief mentions on global entities from the United Nations to the World Economic Forum.
  • The author presents the information and facts with illustrated graphs to confirm his points.
  • Presented in a way where the reader(s) can decide for themselves; Not a book written to indoctrinate nor shame those with opposing views [on globalization].
  • One word: Democracy.
  • None.
100% (A+)
Fan Rating
Title Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (Fourth Edition)
Author(s) Manfred B. Steger
Description [INNER FLAP]

We live in an intimately connected world, a world in which celebrities have ardent fans continents away, in which religious leaders can influence millions globally, and in which complex economic, political, cultural, ideological, and environmental forces converge across continents. This is globalization.

In the fourth edition of his Very Short Introduction, Manfred B. Steger considers the major causes and consequences of globalization, as well as the hotly contested question of whether globalization is, ultimately, a good or a bad thing. From terrorist attacks to Zika virus, Donald Trump to Twitter, he explores our unprecedented levels of global integration.
Dedication --
ISBN 978-0-19-877955-1
Book Dimensions Width: 4.38″ (4 3/8″)
Height: 6.81″ (6 13/16″)
Depth: 0.19″ (3/16″)
Page Count 176
Contents Preface to the fourth edition, List of abbreviations, List of illustrations, List of maps, List of figures, 1 Globalization: a contested concept, 2 Globalization in history: is globalization a new phenomenon?, 3 The economic dimension of globalization, 4 The political dimension of globalization, 5 The cultural dimension of globalization, 6 The ecological dimension of globalization, 7 Ideologies of globalization: market globalism, justice globalism, religious globalisms, 8 The future of globalization, References, Index
Cover Painting Philip Atkins
Author Photograph --
Published Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press
198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America
Publisher Oxford University Press
Copyright © Manfred B. Steger 2017
First edition published 2003
Second edition published 2009
Third edition published 2013
Fourth edition published 2017

The moral rights of this author has been asserted

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Printed in Great Britain by
Ashford Colour Press Ltd. Gosport, Hampshire
Book Format Paperback
Quoted Reviews 'a thoroughly good idea. Snappy, small format . . . stylish design . . . perfect to pop into your pocket for spare moments' — Lisa Jardine, The Times

'Expert, concise but far from bland, Oxford's Very Short Introductions series must rank by now as a thinking reader's Wikipedia' — Boyd Tonkin, The Independent

'Simultaneously erudite and accessible, Manfred Steger's book is also very comprehensive and up to date in these complex, puzzling times.' — Roland Robertson, Universities of Pittsburgh and Aberdeen

'Simply brilliant. Steger is a masterful guide through the complex morass of issues concerning globalization. The book draws on a life-time of deep research while engaging vibrantly with a fast-changing world.' — Professor Paul James, Director of the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Syndney University
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VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS are for anyone wanting a stimulating and accessible way into a new subject. They are written by experts, and have been translated into more than 45 different languages.
The series began in 1995, and now covers a wide variety of topics in every discipline. The VSI library now contains over 500 volumes—a Very Short Introduction to everything from Psychology and Philosophy of Science to American History and Relativity—and continues to grow in every subject area.
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